Recently, the Pennsylvania legislature recently ended the state’s General Assistance (GA) cash benefit amid controversy that generated national attention. General Assistance (GA) was an about $200 a month cash benefit Pennsylvania paid. You can also dial 2-1-1 anywhere in Pennsylvania to get connected to information and resources about General Assistance or call the state’s DHS helpline at 1-800-692-7462. It’s important to note that people on GA usually did not qualify for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), so this change does not affect those on TANF. This change does not affect healthcare benefits or SNAP also known as food stamps, either. You are required to help the caseworker complete an Agreement of Mutual Responsibility (AMR), which is a plan for what you will do so you no longer need cash assistance. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The General Assembly decided to end the program that year after a report came out from the Auditor General’s office suggesting the food stamp and cash assistance … Your resources (things with cash value such as bank accounts, bonds or property that is not your primary/main residence) must have a value of $1,000 or less. You must be a United States citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania. If you are on GA and receive housing through the Philadelphia Housing Authority, you can and should apply for a hardship waiver. If you or someone you care for is in need of long-term services and supports but are unsure of where to start when searching for benefits, try the Information Referral Tool. Application for cash assistance, SNAP and Medical Assistance Benefits, Frequently Asked Questions: Cash Assistance, Dependent children and their parents who live with them, Dependent children and other relatives who live with them and care for them, You can apply for and renew your benefits from the comfort of your home using. General Assistance (GA) was an about $200 a month cash benefit Pennsylvania paid. (Certain non-citizens lawfully admitted for permanent residence may be eligible.). TANF is also referred to as cash assistance. You must sign the AMR and follow through with the plan. You and your family members must provide Social Security Numbers or apply for them. We're still working on this page's design and content. Your child must be under age 18 or age 18 and a full-time student. This is true if a person is: Period(s) of TANF receipt need not be consecutive to count toward the 60-month limit. Refugee Cash Assistance – If new to the state of Pennsylvania and United States, welfare will provide free cash for up to 8 months. Pennsylvania has two different cash assistance programs, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and General Assistance (GA).To be eligible for cash assistance, your income must be below the cash grant size: $205 a month for a single person, $316 a month for two people, $403 a month for a family of three. If you need help completing the application form or need more information about benefits, trained workers at your county assistance office can help you. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. June 26, 2019 State rep: General Assistance in Pennsylvania is a financial lifeline $200 monthly check helps most vulnerable afford basic necessities, Shusterman writes Workers at the county assistance office can provide more information on all of these requirements: You must be a United States citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. A person can receive TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) for a total of 60 months in a lifetime. Many people receiving GA were the state’s most vulnerable, including many who were waiting on Social Security Disability Insurance decisions or those in early substance use disorder recovery. Keystone State. If you want cash assistance for a dependent child, you must cooperate with paternity and child support requirements, unless you have a good cause for not cooperating. Many people receiving GA were the state’s most vulnerable, including many who were waiting on Social Security Disability Insurance decisions or those in early substance use disorder recovery. Keystone State. The Department of Human Services (DHS) is dedicated to helping low-income families become independent while they receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. This means July is the last month for which the state will distribute General Assistance cash benefits. It only affects those receiving the state’s General Assistance cash benefit. What is PA General Assistance? One or both parents with no income or low income from employment. Are there any time limits on Cash Assistance? The plan may include looking for work, attending a training program, or applying for Social Security benefits.
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