Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Goliath oats, 57 inch, with MSU Extension educator Jim Isleib. Lardy, Head, NDSU Department of Animal Sciences; This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. Mixed crops of grain peas and barley can produce stable yields for protein production; with the risk of yield loss being reduced. Starch in field pea grain degrades more slowly in the rumen than wheat or barley and at about the same rate as corn. Forage production and nutritional value of field pea and cereal grain forages. Multiple studies with field pea included at various levels in postweaning receiving diets indicate equal or improved feed intake and gain with field pea in the diet. The same three processing treatments (ground, rolled or whole) were used in finishing diets for feedlot heifers with field pea included at 28 percent of the diet. Pea grain fields lightly tilled after grain harvest may produce a volunteer crop if adequate moisture is available. B.R. Screenings and off-quality pulse grains (pea, lentil and chickpea) procured at competitive prices may be useful, but these coproducts can contain substantial amounts of foreign matter. The price of field pea grain may limit its use. Specific varieties of field pea have been developed for forage. Pea forage is an easily grown annual forage with double-cropping potential when moisture is adequate. Average daily gain was greatest at 3.40 pounds for rolled peas, compared with 2.95 for whole peas and 3.11 pounds for ground peas. Field pea grain is an excellent pellet binder and contributes to the nutrient density in formula feeds. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). Timing of harvest is usually determined by the developmental stage of the oats or other small grain, which normally makes up most of the tonnage. Pea forage often is grown to replace winter-killed alfalfa, and has potential for double cropping if moisture is available. This nutrient-dense grain works well in formulations for creep feed, backgrounding and finishing rations, and for beef cows that need supplemental protein and energy. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. A Michigan oat and forage pea seed grower is exploring the relative maturity of potential seed products for himself. Table 1. Field pea can be fed in dry-hay diets or diets with silage. The potential range for pea inclusion in pelleted commercial feeds is 5 to 50 percent. Pea forage crops can be grazed fresh or swath-grazed in the late fall for winter consumption. It also can be left in the field for soil organisms that can enhance next year’s crops. Light tillage of pea fields immediately after the grain has been harvested can result in volunteer growth when moisture is available. The seed bed should be not too fine-grained after cultivation or reduced tillage. Multiple research trials support the use of field pea grain as a protein and energy source in properly balanced diets for beef cows during mid and late gestation. More information on the proper harvesting and storage of haylage is available in an NDSU Extension publication, “Quality Forage: Haylage and Other Fermented Forages” (AS1252) available from your county agent. Student Focused. Harvest timing of oat/pea forage also has a large impact on yield and quality. For more information on growing small grain/forage pea combinations, take a look at the following articles: Goliath oats, 41 inch, mostly headed and mid-anthesis. The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. Inclusion of field pea grain at a minimum of 10 percent of the finishing diet may improve the tenderness, juiciness and flavor of beef without affecting other carcass traits. Field pea grain is an excellent binding agent for pelleting feeds. Everleaf 126 oats, 36 inch, with MSU Extension educator Jim Isleib. Protein content can vary due to variety, yield, soil type, fertility, temperature, rainfall, planting date and year. Ideally, the pea variety should start flowering a few days before the oats head out. Forage Plus oats, 46 inch, with MSU Extension educator Jim Isleib. The grain is an excellent source of crude protein (24.3 percent, Lardy and Anderson, 2009), energy (0.70 megacalorie of net energy gain [Mcal NEg] per pound; National Research Council [NRC], 1996) and other nutrients for beef cattle (Table 1). Seedstock producers have reported excellent growth and muscle development in growing bulls fed field pea as part of the ration, but no comparative research has been conducted. However, processing field pea by dry rolling may allow more even mixing and consistent digestion in high-forage diets. Paul oats hulless, 37 inch, two days behind Goliath. The recommended inclusion rate is 20 to 40 percent of the formulation, with a target protein content of 16 percent for the creep feed. Pea starch may be used to improve pellet quality as well. Palatable, nutrient-dense diets support improved immune systems. Another important detail involved in growing oat and forage pea mixtures is the relative timing of flowering and maturity of the oat and pea varieties in the seed mixture. Land Grant. Field pea grain contains 0.70 Mcal/pound NEg (equal to corn) and enough protein (24.3 percent crude protein) (NDSU Extension publication AS1182, “Alternative Feeds for Ruminants,” ) to be considered a protein supplement in many rations. The addition of peas to oats or other small grains including barley or triticale grown for forage does not necessarily improve yield, although it can increase yields from 0-0.5 tons dry matter per acre. Barley prevents pea lodging, reducing losses during threshing and increasing the quality of the harvested crop. Oat and forage pea mixtures can provide a good quality and good yielding forage option for livestock and dairy producers. The energy level of field pea is similar to corn. The following photos for this year’s plots demonstrate the significant differences in various oat varieties relative to the forage pea variety he grows. An NDSU study that compared ground, rolled or whole-pea grain in creep feed formulated with 40 percent field pea found no effect on feed intake and gain due to processing treatment. Pea screenings are more economical than pea grain and often are used in formula feeds as a binder. Field pea is an excellent rotation crop for small grains and can provide protein and energy for livestock that ultimately may enhance the biological and economic sustainability of farms and ranches. Depending on the basal ration, we suggest 2 to 4 pounds per head daily to meet protein needs and provide supplemental energy. Forage pea often is grown with a cereal grain, forage-type oats, triticale or barley, and harvested as dry hay or haylage. If the peas flower many days, or weeks, ahead of the oats, they will lose forage quality by the time the oats are ready for chopping. The data (in table 1) show that adding peas to oats improved forage quality by increasing protein content 3 to 5 points and reducing NDF by 4 to 8 points. Field pea does not need to be processed when fed to cows, according to comparative research. Published with support from Northern Pulse Growers Association. Several research trials in multiple states have proven the value of field pea as feed versus other feeds with equal or better performance for growing calves. Pea forage often is grown to replace winter-killed alfalfa, and has potential for double cropping if moisture is available. The addition of peas to oats or other small grains including barley or triticale grown for forage does not necessarily improve yield, although it can increase yields from 0-0.5 tons dry matter per acre. Adding field pea to the cereal grain forage increases protein content. In one recent NDSU study with forage at 30 percent of the diet, field pea harvested as hay was fed to growing steers as the sole forage or mixed with barley hay at equal amounts. For beef or non-lactating cattle and other livestock, harvest at the early heading stage of the small grain will result in lower forage quality, but will maximize yield of acceptable quality. Most often fed with corn grain, field pea can be fed at any level up to the entire grain portion, according to an NDSU study. The main reason for including peas is the positive effect on protein … August 18, 2016. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit During finishing, intake of rations with field pea was equal or less than diets without field pea, but gains were not affected, resulting in equal or improved feed efficiency. Specific varieties of field pea have been developed for forage. Feel free to use and share this content, but please do so under the conditions of our, Field Pea Grain and Forage for Beef Cattle, Quality Forage: Haylage and Other Fermented Forages. Check out the MSU Viticulture Certificate Program! Sensory panel analysis indicates an increase in tenderness, juiciness and taste when field pea grain is included in steer diets at a minimum of 10 percent for 76 days or more prior to harvesting the animals. Similar responses would be expected with peas added to spring triticale. If the oats are way behind the peas, you should look for a different combination. The nutrient density of field pea allows modest levels of inclusion in high-forage wintering diets. From this on-farm comparison, it appears Goliath oats fit well with the 4010 forage peas.


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