Apply ethical business practices and sound systems of corporate governance and transparency to support sustainable development. They should be now. It has been developed to help those considering making a submission to confirm compatibility with the requirements of the process. Transparency and accountability are central to the concept of good governance. There are many international initiatives to combat corruption that have direct relevance to infrastructure projects. TINZ and Good Governance. However when governance is weak, such resources endowments may result in poverty, corruption, and conflict. Absence of, or inaccessibility to, information often creates a sense of... 2. ICMM believes that transparency and accountability are an essential part of ethical business practice and recognise it as a core element of our ICMM 10 Principles. World Bank Governance and Public Sector Management Portal, Colombia - La Guajira Water and Sanitation project- Annex 11 of PAD (page 136), India - Rampur Hydropower Project (para 42 and Annex 6). How to respond to unsolicited bids so as to protect transparency in the procurement process and recognize the initiative of the proponent, is typically difficult. Governments may be presented with unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects by private sector entities. Transparency International research in more than 100 countries shows how bribery and poor governance have undermined achieving the current MDGs. Through Output-Based Aid, aid can be conditional on seeing improvements in procurement processes and other initiatives designed to reduce the risk of corruption in Infrastructure projects. If the authority decides to go ahead with the project, it determines whether the project necessarily involves intellectual property, trade secrets or other exclusive rights of the proponent. There are many international initiatives to combat corruption that have direct relevance to infrastructure projects. Good governance. Transparency is also inextricably linked to governance, one definition of which is "a way of... 3. Another crucial area of reducing corruption in PPPs is by encouraging transparency in the bidding process, contract award and implementation. Click on the following links: 1. The 2013 Integrity Plus National Integrity System Assessment reviewed governance across all New Zealand Institutions. PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP LEGAL RESOURCE CENTER, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms, Sample Terms of Reference for PPP Advisors, Environmental Standards and Engineering Standards, Utility Restructuring, Corporatization, Decentralization, Management/Operation and Maintenance Contracts, Joint Ventures / Government Shareholding in Project Company, Standardized Agreements, Bidding Documents and Guidance Manuals, Mainstreaming Gender throughout the Project Cycle, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption, Les PPP dansle domainede l énergieet de l’électricité, Les PPP dansle domainede la technologiepropre, Les PPP dansle domainede la télécommunicationet des technologies de l’informationet de la communication (TIC), Anti-Corruption and Freedom of Information Laws, the Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (COST). Chile has adopted an approach whereby the project proponent is required to take part in a fully competitive tender process, but is given bonus points in relation to the evaluation. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). Transparency, as one of the basic principles of good governance, implies the public insight in the work of Public Administration Bodies. If so, the authority then requests further information from the proponent in order to make a full evaluation. Effectively report and independently verify progress and performance. Promoting revenue transparency to enhance governance, combat corruption and foster sustainable growth. Furthermore, transparency allows stakeholders to collect information that may be critical to uncovering abuses and defending their interests. Proactively engage key stakeholders on sustainable development challenges and opportunities in an open and transparent manner. With good governance the exploitation of these resources can generate large revenues to foster economic growth and reduce poverty. PPPs can be susceptible to corrupt activity if not carefully planned and designed, as with general public procurement. 956. Click on Chile Summary for a summary of the regulations. 956 Chilean Concession Regulations no. It sets out suggested legislative language in provisions 20 to 23 of its text Model Legislative Provisions on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects. Transparency and accountability are central to the concept of good governance. If you have suggestions on topics or materials to be included, please contact us at It covers the process of decision-making as well as the processes by which decisions are implemented. For projects that do not involve these rights, a full selection procedure is followed, with the proponent being invited to take part in the selection. Chartered Accountants hold the key of financial accounting, auditing and reporting from their different roles as preparers, presenters, auditors and strategic business partner”, said Commerce Minister TipuMunshi on Thursday The World Bank Group, in collaboration with the Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (COST) and PPIAF has circulated for consultation a draft Framework for Disclosure in PPP (2015), expanding on a study and report of WBG in 2013 on Disclosure of Project and Contract Information in Public Private Partnerships, part of a larger G20 initiative. Transparency International believes that good governance– whether it is in the private, public or third sector – is a prerequisite for stopping corruption throughout an organisation. T… Its key objective is to provide consistency and certainty to private sector participants as to how their unsolicited proposals will be assessed within a transparent framework with key drivers for the NSW Government being how the proposal helps meet a strategic Government objective and value for money. Transparency as a Principle of Good Governance. Click on the following links:, the online, searchable and user-friendly database of publicly available oil, gas and mining contracts from around the world that was developed by CCSI, together with the World Bank and Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), now features contracts and documents from 90 countries; it just retrieved the first disclosed oil contract from Guyana from the public domain. Governance is a term commonly used to refer to how public institutions and private companies conduct their affairs and manage resources. The South African National Roads Agency policy - this grants the original proponent an advantage by giving it the opportunity to take part in the call for "best and final bids". If it does necessarily involve the proponent's intellectual property, a full selection procedure does not need to be followed. Whenever a host authority receives an unsolicited bid, UNCITRAL recommends that the authority first consider whether the proposal is potentially in the public interest. Prevention of corruption requires the integration of anticorruption approaches during project design. A more recent initiative was carried out by PPIAF: Unsolicited Proposals – An Exception to Public Initiation of Infrastructure PPPs: An Analysis of Global Trends and Lessons Learned, Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), August 2014 and The World Bank Group's Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects, August 2018. Senior management must have the correct systems in place, monitoring mechanisms and code of conduct and they must be seen to be governed by these. A discussion of how different countries manage unsolicited proposals can be found in PPIAF Working Paper No.1 Unsolicited Infrastructure Proposals (pdf). The process to manage unsolicited proposals is found in detail (in Spanish) in a regulation (secondary legislation) to the law (reglamento) Reglamento no. Also, citizens should be familiar with the regulations applied … Feedback on the draft Framework would be very welcome! South Korea has adopted an approach similar to Chile. The Guide for Submission and Assessment of Unsolicited Proposals (2017) outlines a transparent and streamlined approach that will facilitate the NSW Government and private sector working together to develop and deliver innovative ideas. The World Bank has a fiduciary obligation to assure its own shareholders and stakeholders that funds are used for their intended purposes and so seeks to strengthen governance and anti-corruption measures in its borrower countries. Disclosure of information and transparent decision-making processes enable citizens and other stakeholders to scrutinise actions and hold governments or companies to account. This work supports the above sustainable development goals. draft Framework for Disclosure in PPP (2015), Disclosure of Project and Contract Information in Public Private Partnerships, International Initiatives to Combat Corruption, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST), Department for International Development (DFID) Press Release on Pilot, Anti-Corruption and Freedom of Information Act Legislation, PPIAF Working Paper No.1 Unsolicited Infrastructure Proposals (pdf), Unsolicited Proposals – An Exception to Public Initiation of Infrastructure PPPs: An Analysis of Global Trends and Lessons Learned, Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects, Legislative Guide on Privately Funded Infrastructure Projects, Model Legislative Provisions on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects, Guide for Submission and Assessment of Unsolicited Proposals, South African National Roads Agency policy, the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA), Development, Aid, and Governance Indicators (DAGI), Actionable Governance Indicators Data Portal, World Bank StAR Corruption Cases Search Center, Partnership for Transparency Fund: Stimulating Demand for Good Governance, UN/ ECE - Guidebook on Promoting Good Governance in Public-Private Partnerships, Setting Standards for Communication and Governance: The Example of Infrastructure Projects, Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation (BoKIR) - Regulation Process: Institutional Design.


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