Paper presented at the 4th Nordic Youth Research Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden. The aim of the gender equality bonus is to improve the conditions for gender equality in parental leave and participation in working life by providing economic incentives for equal leave sharing: parents who take out an equal number of parental leave days receive the maximum bonus. Beverly Hills: Sage. Family allowances are adjusted with regular intervals, some even change annually, taking into consideration changes in the price base amount (which reflects inflation). In order for cohabiters to become the beneficiaries of each other’s property, they need to set up a joint will and testament. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66: 848-861. (1993e). : Edward Elgar Publishing. In J. Fritzell & O. Lundberg (Eds. Parental leave in Sweden is job-protected and granted by law to employed men and women. But if the joint home of cohabitants has been set up before the union, if it has been acquired for strict recreational purposes or if one of the partners has begotten the dwelling as a bequest or inheritance, the dwelling is not considered joint property. Swedish labor during the 1990s.Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 3, 95–104. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 40: 393-400. There is also a care allowance for parents of a child who has a disability or a severe illness (both temporary and long-term). The growht in full-time work among Swedish women in the 1980s.Acta Sociologica, 36, 139–150. The maximum amount paid is very low (circa 325 euros per month). Also of a general character, the state contributes a fixed sum to cover the costs of adoptions of foreign children given that they are adopted through an authorized adoption organization (SFS 1988:463). (1994d). Legislation reacted to social change across the Swedish population by introducing the Act respecting cohabiting partners' common residence in 1987 (SFS 1987:232). For children born in 2014 or later, each parent receive 195 days each at the sickness benefit level and 45 days each at the minimum level, however, days can be transferred with the exception of the aforementioned 60 days at the sickness benefit level that are reserved to each parent. 9–15. Swedish Institute. Generous spending on family benefits, flexible leave and working hours for parents with young children and affordable, high-quality childcare are seen as the main factors for success. In M. Cochran (Ed. In 2008, the Swedish government introduced a child-raising allowance (see section on Family allowances) in order to allow for more choice respecting the transition between parental leave and work for parents with children older than one but younger than three years. The child-raising allowance has gained very limited popularity. For the other 90 days, the compensation is at a flat rate of 20 euros per day. a person who is already married or a registered partner may not enter into a new marriage. Swedish Institute. The parent liable to pay maintenance is obliged to repay the costs to society, wholly or in part. Hwang, C., & Broberg, A. Income distribution and redistribution. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 66: 980-987. Piskan och Moroten - Om könens tilldelning av skyldigheter och rättigheter i det svenska socialförsäkringssystemet 1913-1980. Putting Asunder: A History of Divorce in Western Society. The obligation to pay alimony was extended beyond temporary separation to the period following upon divorce. (1992). (1976). (1994b). ),Poverty, inequality and income distribution in comparative perspective: A microdata analysis for seven countries (pp. Barnomsorg och familjepolitk [Child care and family policy].Ekonomisk Debatt, pp. Stockholm: Author. 31 0 obj<> endobj Cohabitation and marriage among young adults in Sweden: Attitudes, expectations and plans. Barnafödande och föräldraskap [Childbearing and parenthood]. (1994). 154–169). The Swedish economy.Fact Sheets on Sweden. (1993).EG, kvinnorna och välfärden [EC, women and welfare] (SOU #117). In rare cases of separation, the court may, however, decide that the partner most in need of the common home will be the one who keeps it but this mainly applies if there are young children in the household. The first statutory act of maternal protection was passed in 1900. Sociology Department Indiana University-Indianapolis, 425 University Boulevard, 46202, Indianapolis, IN, You can also search for this author in Nordic state feminism in the 1990s: Whose ally? Public childcare is guaranteed to all parents and operates on a whole-day basis. Hood (Ed. 0000001504 00000 n Stockholm: Editor. The rights of cohabiting partners are limited, much less regulated compared to those of married partners. Stockholm: Author. (2007). Korpi, W. (1990).The development of the Swedish welfare state in a comparative perspective. En beskrivning av kvinnornas arbetsmarknad [A description of the female labor market]. There has also been reforms aiming at achieving more of gender equality with respect to parental leave use. Demographic Research (Special collection), 3: 45-86. This improved wives’ rights to joint property and gave them the right to sue for alimony. (1990). Stockholm: Swedish Institute. It should be noted that tax reductions have never been a feature of Swedish welfare provision. The former two goals date back to the 1930s, when the modern Swedish welfare state emerged. 0000006951 00000 n This number is high by international standards and is perhaps Sweden’s most famous argument when it comes to being a child-friendly system. Eduards, M. (1991). Therborn, G. (1993). From a legal point of view, there is a distinction between the right to parental leave and the right to parental benefits. In T. Boje & S. Hort (Eds. Sweden. Reform of the parental leave scheme continued after the 1970s. 0000009790 00000 n The “woman-friendly” welfare state? Reiss, A., & Roth, J. )Men, work and family (pp. The most relevant legislation for family allowances in place today is the Social Insurance Code (introduced in 1962, SFS 1962:381). Misshandlade kvinnors möte med rättsapparaten [Battered women's meeting with the criminal justice system]. Swedish Institute. In J. Lewis (Ed. (1983).Män och hushållsarbete [Men and domestic work]. 0000000816 00000 n (pp. Being married gives spouses more legal rights that in the case of cohabiters mainly apply to property. Eklund, L. (1993). From the 1990s and onwards there have been more of diversity among childcare facilities respecting educational approaches and the way they are operated (publicly, privately or as cooperations among parents). In the 1930s more ambitious social policy and an emphasis on social engineering were attempts to solve social problems. Having a child doesn’t mean the end of a career, merely a pause. New York: Swedish Information Service. Statistiska Centralbyrån (1992).Om kvinnor och män i Sverige och EG [About women and men in Sweden and EC]. Stockholm: Author. Sundström, M. & Duvander, A-Z. Haas, L. (1993). (1994). Hallgren, M. (1993). Foxby, K. (1994, July 9). For children born before January 1 2014, each parent receive half of the 480 days but 60 days at the sickness benefit level are reserved for each parent while the rest of the days can be transferred between parents. Swedish Institute. Family policy is also highly connected with labor market policy through the ambition that all individuals should be employed and be able to support oneself. The father of a newborn baby is entitled to 10 days of temporary parental benefit in connection with the child’s birth. Bradley, D. (2000). Stockholm: SNS Förlag. In. 87–133). ),Sex roles and social policy: A complex social science equation (pp., Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Gress-Wright, J. The real expansion of family policy took place in the 1970s and since then family policy has been extended and improved, reflecting political and societal … In T. Smeeding, M. O'Higgins, & L. Rainwater (Eds. Women were encouraged to get health insurance with maternity assistance in order to cover income loss in connection to childbirth. 0000005548 00000 n The municipal child-raising allowance is another form of family allowance (SFS 2008:307). Redrawing the boundaries of marriage. Lind, A. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Parents who have multiple births get extra: twins (90 days extra at the sickness benefit level and 90 days extra at the flat rate), triplets or more (180 days extra at the sickness benefit level for each child). After divorce there was a remarriage waiting period until the property settlement was finalized. Children and road traffic in Sweden.Current Sweden (#298). ),Women and social policies in Europe (pp. Abukhanfusa, K. (1987). It is free of charge for children aged 3 to 6 for up to 15 hours per week. In J. Acker, A. Baude, U. Björnberg, E. Dahlström, G. Forsberg, L. Gonäs, H. Holter, & A. Nilsson (Eds. New York: Swedish Information Service. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. Linnaeus University Dissertations Nr. The law was not regulating cohabitation as such. The allocation of time: Empirical findings, behavioral models, and problems of measurement.Journal of Economic Literature, 29, 471–522. Sundström, M. (1991). J Fam Econ Iss 17, 47–92 (1996). Stockholm: Statistiska Centralbyrån. Stockholm: Swedish Institute. The Act applies to two unmarried persons of the same or different sex, living permanently together in a relationship and sharing the same household. Stockholm: National Board of Health and Welfare. Child care in Sweden.Fact Sheets on Sweden. For women in need of additional support maternal assistance was kept. Contrary to expectations, marriage trends in Sweden reversed at the very end of the 1990s. Heclo, H., & Madsen, H. (1987).Policy and politics in Sweden: Principled pragmatism. Sandqvist, K. (1994, June).Gender identity and division of labor. The allowance is administered by local authorities but not in place in all municipalities. An important feature of the 1915 divorce legislation was that the law stipulated that the household’s economic resources should be evenly divided between the spouses upon divorce. Scandinavian health care system: What can Americans leans?Scandinavian Review, 81(3), pp. ),Ungdomars välfärd och värderingar [Youth's welfare and values] (#73). Stockholm: National Board of Health and Welfare. Gendering welfare state theory — A cross-national study of women's public pension quality.Gender and Society, 9, 99–119. Offering paid parental leave is one way to enable parents to combine work with family life.


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