x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@���@QC= P A�J��� �1Tp�W� Formic acid is a low flammable, biodegradable, and stable liquid under ambient conditions, with a boiling point of 101°C and a freezing point of 8.3°C. endstream endobj <> /PageLayout /SinglePage <> �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��D�%_!�+�� � endstream x��}i������%��\� ;�dKyZ�e��-�m����n��`̈́=��O.�� �z�PUy^&ֻ���^��;;�S�=���23��?��_]��_��͕��1�s��>�M�~s��p]���x���'�o�rug����������0�� 73�՛��^v�>O%��?����߮�^�零����v���'�?y����O���ݝoO��O?�1{�撧O���uU�>]��C�M������Oy.��4e���vl�K����ކs��f�G��-z��9�����������&�s\z3�2�m}��q�?�_�2����Ƣ�mz����џ��yw��oc~~eζ\��4�6�������?�����? �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��T�%_!�+�� �� stream 19 0 obj 11 0 obj <> <> 16 0 obj stream formic acid ... CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. /Length 4663 >> <> FORMIC ACID reacts exothmerically with all bases, both organic (for example, the amines) and inorganic. 12 0 obj <> 3 0 obj H302 Harmful if swallowed. <> �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��B�%_!�+�� �� Supplementary Precautionary Statements P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. That means that under the traditional rules it was considered combustible but not flammable (which was reserved for liquids whose flash point was less than or equal to 100 °F). �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��\�%_!�+�� �� 10 0 obj <> endstream x��[{�e�Y�"ў�:���q�=����p�3w:�Ν{�0�3U�w�ܹ�>�u�� I34���YS鐶�&�6jH�X�Ub�
A��Jbb"��@���Z{���هy012�}��[�����Z�H�DF�_�1���4�Y�p�u(�F�B[�!�,����d�S&�lt���E��֡�(�RJ�i���r6���"�,��oQ�L3&t�d��*��z˭. 1 0 obj /ViewerPreferences << 8 0 obj 17 0 obj >> x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ 14 0 obj x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ 5 0 obj /Filter [ /FlateDecode ] <> H318 Causes serious eye damage. << << H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. H331 Toxic if inhaled. %���� Reacts with diazo compounds, dithiocarbamates, isocyanates, mercaptans, nitrides, and sulfides to generate flammable or toxic gases. stream Formic Acid > 85%, < 90% Hazard Statements H226 Flammable liquid and vapour. {��ũf�؇�ݹ\�r.qk��K�K6����`�}q*_c���9�!\����?\�0Υ-����U�����c����������¾k �����ؓ7`���:��2��_�x���O7? x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ stream 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Fertiliser Regulation- Annex I, E.3 (chelating and complexing agents) <> endobj <> The concentrated acid is corrosive to the skin. <> endstream <>/Group <> 1 0 obj x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ 5 0 obj 4 0 obj endstream stream endobj <> endobj %PDF-1.4 endobj endobj x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ <> endobj endobj Explosion: Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limits … 15 0 obj endobj Sigma-Aldrich offers a number of Formic acid products. - No smoking. stream It is a colorless, clear, and … >> stream /Length 13988 /FitWindow true Reacts with cyanide salts to generate gaseous hydrogen cyanide. endstream 9 0 obj endobj 6 0 obj Flash Point and explosive limits are for 90% aqueous solutions of formic acid. Flammable liquids Reason for no classification: data conclusive but not sufficient for classification Flammable solids Reason for no classification: data conclusive but not sufficient for classification Self-reactive substances and mixtures Reason for no classification: data conclusive but not sufficient for classification Pyrophoric liquids P233 Keep container tightly closed. �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��X�%_!�+�� a� �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��L�%_!�+�� �� �ʁt�1H��@aL*9�K?$��H�%_!�+�� C� <> ����;�y}������I_�O�������&yp�. endobj Flammable limits in air % by volume: lel: 18; uel: 57 Combustible Liquid and Vapor! endobj �+R@&�ҹ 6f� endobj 7 0 obj Formic acid has low toxicity (hence its use as a food additive), with an LD50 of 1.8 g/kg (tested orally on mice). /NonFullScreenPageMode /UseNone /Pages 2 0 R Reacts with sulfites, nitrites, … /Type /Catalog Reacts with active metals to form gaseous hydrogen and a metal salt. 13 0 obj endobj "Formic acid in 85% concentration is not (in)flammable". endobj /PageMode /UseNone %PDF-1.2 >> endobj <> endobj 18 0 obj stream endstream endstream View information & documentation regarding Formic acid, including CAS, MSDS & more. <> x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ x�3R��2�35W(�2�300P@&�ҹ ?�z�����W/ˌ�l8������O�E������������3���g��e��>���g�?yQ����� The only way I can see ignorance of the meaning of "inflammable" leading to a fire hazard would be if: 1) there was a fire, 2) the only liquid at hand was a large volume of formic acid, 3) someone looked up wikipedia to see if they could use the acid to extinguish the fire, 4) they thought that sentance was a weird double negative that meant the acid was … stream endobj Fire data listed is for formic acid. stream
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