It explains properties of substances in these different states, and what happens during changes of state. very well done! It is a branch of physics that studies the basic elements of matter and radiation and the interaction between them. I like the experiments you included - chemistry without experiments is pretty boring, but with them it becomes the most attractive subject in school. (Assume these are both motion diagrams.) Very educational! As with melting, evaporating is down to raising temperature increasing kinetic energy.   Terms. I am sharing your workd voting it up and Interesting and Useful! Liquids can flow uphill or even climb out of its container as in the video. The model is used to explain the, cannot flow, because their particles cannot move from place to place, , because their particles are close together with no space to move into, can flow and take the shape of their container, because their particles can move around each other, cannot be easily compressed, because their particles are close together with no space to move into, can flow and completely fill their container, because their particles move quickly in all directions, can be compressed, because their particles are far apart with space to move into, Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA). At this point, the liquid has frozen - turned from liquid to a solid. Unlike solids, however, we can pass through liquids; this is due to there being fewer and slightly weaker forces between the particles. The freezing point and melting point of a substance are the same. Rhys Baker (author) from Peterborough, UK on June 01, 2012: @Amy: Your son has fine taste! Rhys Baker (author) from Peterborough, UK on May 28, 2012: I'm so glad everyone enjoyed this hub - and that people are sharing it! Figure 2 shows particle model motion diagrams below the motion diagrams of the jogger when she is speeding up and slowing down. Here are all three states together - solid ice, liquid water and gaseous vapour (invisible). Some other fields that use particle physics are workforce development, medicine, industries, science, and national security etc. Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses? Get step-by-step explanations, verified by experts. 1 0 obj This table summarises the properties of each state and links to their particle behaviour, High density - particles very close together, Fairly High density - particles are close together, Cannot be compressed - no space for the particles to be pushed together, Can be compressed - there is plenty of space for the particles to be pushed together, Fixed shape as particles are held in place by strong forces, No fixed shape as particles move randomly in all directions, Can diffuse as particles can change places, Can diffuse as particles can move in all directions. These particles are arranged and move differently in each state of matter. This means that the particles move less and less. 2 0 obj The modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic particles with less structure than atoms. The standard model contains 24 fundamental fermions, includes 12 particles and their associated antiparticles, which are the constituents of mater. Institut de Génie Electrique et Electronique, To find a forces directional components that act along a cable and .docx, Georgia Institute Of Technology • PHYS 3202, Institut de Génie Electrique et Electronique • ME MISC, Copyright © 2020. When given sufficient heat energy, the particles of a gas release a number of electrons, causing the particle to become a charged ion. Jessee R from Gurgaon, India on May 27, 2012: You have explained the particle state completely and extensively. I got my kids to read it all together. Stars are mainly plasma and it has been estimated that 99% of the visible universe is made of plasma. The word particle can refer to various types of very small objects, but this branch usually investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles. This does help with homework though, I really like this this was so good because you you was writing was picture and was fun video gratulation :))))). I think that information like this is useful for everyone. The particles are arranged into a regular pattern (think army ranks) with very little space between the particles. The particle theory of matter is a model that describes the arrangement and movement of particles in a substance. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. Evaporating is the process of a liquidchanging to a gas. The bubbles in boiling water are pockets of water vapour (a gas) escaping.


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