It’s hard to imagine zealously repairing a broken down wall, but Baruch did it. He didn’t panic. Try standing up in one place for an hour. Eliashib was willing to dirty his hands because it needed to be done. The Book of Nehemiah gives great encouragement to anyone who sees what’s wrong in the world and longs to fix it. Men are rapidly throwing away what the church has stood for. The next necessary step in the program of reconstruction is courage. We must be willing to obey Christ no matter how much it costs. His plan was very detailed. If you love the Word you will want more of it, not less. If we respect God’s Word we will want to find more ways to aid the spreading of it. Look at verse 11 of chapter 1. The old musician didn't say a word. Are you doing it? The only conclusion he could make is that “the good hand of my God was with me.” Nehemiah had prepared the best he could, but he gave all the credit to God for his success. He gave confident answers which in turn made the king confident that he knew what he was doing. Firstly, the what. In verse 25 he says: I contended with them and cursed them and beat some of them and pulled out their hair [What a man! Application: Do you desire God’s Word like this? In chapter 1 is Nehemiah's wonderful prayer as he confesses that the nation has forsaken God, and acknowledges the justice of God's dealing with them. By having a detailed plan ready to go, Nehemiah demonstrated to the king he was competent to be entrusted with this task. He knocked on the musician's door and said. The first step in this process is given in chapter 1, verse 4. Only this speech is not encouraging. He had allowed Tobiah to move right into the temple! Before making important decisions spend the necessary time required to gather all of the relevant information you will need. What can we learn from them? Scripture is never concerned simply with chronology. This takes a lot of time and hard work as well as the growing expense of running the website. 15: Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther. The interesting thing about this Water Gate (as opposed to the one in our nation's capitol) is that it did not need to be repaired. Evidently it was the only part of the wall that was still standing. And don’t act without thinking and researching. They asked Ezra to bring the book of the law of Moses out – The people took initiative to ask Ezra to bring out the book of the law (Genesis to Deuteronomy). It wasn’t the land God had promised to them. But it is worth it. What did they want to do when they got together? Audio and manuscripts are available for each lesson. But Nehemiah wasn’t afraid to make big requests. We need to sit and take a look at ourselves every now and then -- to stop and re-evaluate what we are doing. Now the king had sent with me officers of the army and horsemen. The word of God never breaks down. In the ancient Hebrew manuscripts the books of Ezra and Nehemiah were written as if they were one; but the title, “The Words of Nehemiah, the son of Hachaliah” (Nehemiah 1:1) clearly indicate the beginning of another book, and justify the separation which was made in the Greek translation at an early period. He kept them all out of the city. (2 Timothy 1:6) If you want to retain your strength, start using what God has given you. He didn’t turn around and run out of the court. He is one of the great characters of the Old Testament, but perhaps not as well known as some others. 1 ) Nehemiah's journey to Jerusalem, made possible by Artaxerxes, for the purpose of re-building the wall (Nehemiah 1-2). We should not talk down to our children. These are really titles. What kind of things did they donate? The two go hand in hand. 2 ) A list of the builders and the repairing of the gate (Nehemiah 3). In these three books we have the story of the way out of captivity, back to God. From this chapter we can see that Nehemiah was a very organized leader. In short, they wanted the workers to sit back down and take it easy. Please contact us or click here to learn more about how to enable JavaScript on your browser. He tries to manipulate and twist the truth to instill fear in the people. As a leader, he knew it was important to make a clear and complete proposal. Note that in verse 9 Nehemiah was showing the governors the letters from the king. Nehemiah is a noble representative of the businessman. Do not stop building God’s kingdom! How many could focus and pay attention for that long? Our life here on earth is short. Teamwork? It would seem unlikely he would haul the materials for the wall the entire 5 month journey from Susa. They designed sweet smelling perfumes for weddings, rich people, or religious ceremonies. The smaller groups were led by Levites. They had to be unified. We want to help you study the Bible, obey the Bible, and teach the Bible to others. The key verses for this book are: (1) “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven” (Neh. It never changes. Lesson 1: The Man Who Cried About a Wall (Nehemiah 1:1-11), Lesson 2: The Realities of Serving God (Nehemiah 2:1-20), Lesson 4: Responding to Opposition (Nehemiah 4:1-23), Lesson 5: Resolving Conflicts Within (Nehemiah 5:1-19), Lesson 6: Resisting Satan’s Schemes (Nehemiah 6:1-19), Lesson 7: Counting for God (Nehemiah 7:1-73), Lesson 8: Spiritual Renewal (Nehemiah 8:1-18), Lesson 9: Joy and Strength in the Lord (Nehemiah 8:8-12), Lesson 10: Ongoing Repentance (Nehemiah 9:1-38), Lesson 11: Putting God’s Truth into Practice (Nehemiah 10:1-39), Lesson 12: You’re in the Ministry Now! There is no good excuse for this to happen week after week. He likely worked harder than others. Judah was their home. You will never rebuild the walls of your life until you first weep over the ruins. He was also praying that God would grant him compassion in the sight of the king. Verses 11-16 – Nehemiah spends the first three days planning and surveying. He didn’t waste this chance. What type of people did he put in charge? It was also true a hundred thousand years before it was uttered. Nehemiah is well aware of this -- God must move in the areas where Nehemiah cannot. We pray that we, also, may learn as Nehemiah did to be disciplined, courageous, confident in you, and willing to say no, willing to be absolutely ruthless against the forces that would undermine and sap the vitality of our lives in you. Related Topics: Equip, Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Spiritual Life, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. Nehemiah returned about fifteen years after Ezra. The next chapters, four through six, cover the persecution that arose from building the city walls. Why? The leaders taking them back know exactly who is going back and where they will go and who they are with. Work is good. Would it say you were a good worker? It encouraged them to continue working together. You will never build the walls of your life until you have first become greatly concerned about the ruins. The word so occurs thirty–two times. This would have been exhausting. Public preaching, leading a Bible study, discipling others, Speaking up against peer pressure or the evils in society. There are only 42,360. This is followed by confession. Maybe he whistled or sung. Now perhaps you feel that Nehemiah was too severe. This was the first means of retaining the strength represented by the walls. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 – Live a quiet life and work with your hands. How did the people respond to the reading? We know that we have not wasted our time away. What specific requests did Nehemiah make of the king? And the piano in the next room is out of tune." The book of Nehemiah falls into two divisions. They were starting to rise up. Sign up for our newsletter to receive your free Bible study E-book of Hebrews.
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